7 February 2016

What's next for Honeypot Blogs... | Lifestyle

That's a scary title isn't it? Well, just let me explain...

To my 3 regular readers, you may have noticed that I just haven't been posting a lot and this isn't because I don't like blogging anymore, it's all about the timing! I have started a new job and relocated to a different country in such a short space of time!! I did take a break and wrote a bunch of posts ready to get me started again and then...there it was...LIFE, it bloody got in the way again! Just as I was getting on track I had to stop again, which sucked!  It sucked because everything was down, the views, the followers and the engagement, it was a visual representation that I was failing my blog!

It took me a little while to think about how to carry on, the thing is I have always loved writing and yet here I am struggling to find time to put it all together but how could that be when I have so much more time now? The formula that I have always followed with my content was primarily reviews, 3 pictures maybe 4 and then the reason why I picked the item, the first impression, the results and my thoughts, it followed that specific formula for 2 years! It was only when I was reading a book that I realised it's just too routine, which worked when I had one but now I don't, everything changes all the bloody time so how can I expect my content to remain exactly the same? I just can't!

This means, Honeypot Blogs is going to take more of a lifestyle turn, so expect more personal and more content heavy posts, I'm going to be expressing my thoughts and opinions about topics that are important to me and hopefully something you can relate to as well! I will still be writing about food because...well...just yum!!! This blog will still remain true to me just a little broader in terms of what I am writing about! This way I can sit on a train/plane/in my room and just write instead of needing to see the pictures or the product a thousand times before I finish what I'm writing! Of course my posts will still have pictures but they won't be as structured and staged but more sporadic and real I guess!

You may see the odd beauty post filter through if it has already been in my drafts but they will become fewer and far between.

So let me know what types of posts you'd like to read? Do you even like content heavy posts?

1 comment :

  1. I love reading anything from Lifestyle, Personal to Beauty posts! I wouldn't worry about not posting and you're right - life does take over sometimes! As long as you're happy with what you write, it doesn't matter! I know exactly what you mean about pictures on posts too!

    Look forward to seeing what you have up and coming! :)
    I hope the move went well!?

    teabee | UK Lifestyle, Travel & Beauty Blog xo
